Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Breast Binding

Hiding one's breasts is likely the most challenging piece of the gender illusion puzzle for a drag king. While some are small breasted and may succeed using a tight sports bra, many kings resort to one of the following, or several of the following used in conjunction with other methods: Ace bandages (which is incredibly risky due to the bandage's nature of tightening with movement, restricting breathing); duct tape (dangerous for the same reason as Ace bandages, restricting breathing); soft, hard, or ribbed back braces (worn backwards); and compression shirts and vests. Some use a method involving cutting a hole in the crotch of pantyhose for the head and making sleeves out the legs.

This creates a tight stocking shirt that compresses the breasts. While it is uncomfortable to bind one's breasts in any way for any period of time, duct tape is the most damaging. Prolonged use has resulted, in some cases, of tearing off skin and excessive blistering after removal, or stretching of the breast tissue and skin after long term use. Another damaging binding technique, but more immediately so, is the use of Saran wrap. Saran wrap will close off the pores, not allowing the body to sweat or breathe.
Kings have been known to pass out, or faint, within minutes of performing due to binding with saran wrap.

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