Tuesday, September 1, 2009


is slang terminology referring to a lesbian or lesbianism regardless of the person's actual sexual identity. Originally, it was a derogatory label for a masculine or butch woman, and this usage still exists. However, it has also been reappropriated as a positive term implying assertiveness and toughness, or simply as a neutral synonym for lesbian, regardless of individual gender expression.

Types of Dykes:

Bulldyke or Bulldagger-more likely to present as butch

Diesel dyke – more likely to present as butch who most likely drives a truck

Baby dyke – a young, immature or recently out lesbian. Sometimes used in a pejorative sense within the LGBT community to refer to a lesbian who attempts to appear butch unsuccessful.

Stealth dyke – lesbian who can pass for straight, or does not fit the 'dyke' stereotype.

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